1932 Clippings

Ongoing research; last updated 2 November 2012

4th April 1932 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Sub-Committee Reports
The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:
Use of Parks, etc
On the authority of your Chairman, the use of the parks as mentioned below has been granted to the organizations on the dates and for the purposes stated:-
Date                 Park                             Organisation                         Purpose

June 11           Kings Heath              English Folk Dance &               Country Dancing Display
                        (bandstand)              Song Society (B’ham Branch)
Your Sub-Committee recommend the confirmation of the Chairman’s action.
9885   Resolved:-  That the granting of the use of parks etc., to the organizations and for the purposes mentioned in the foregoing report be confirmed.
2nd May 1932 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Sub-Committee Reports
The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:
Use of Parks, etc
Upon the authority of your Chairman, the use of parks as mentioned below has been granted to the organizations on the dates and for the purposes stated:-
Date                 Park                 Organisation                             Purpose
June 12 )         Kings Heath      B’ham (South) Chris-               Service
June 17 )         (bandstand)      tadelphia Ecclesia
Confirmation of the Chairman’s action is recommended.
9922   Resolved:-  That the granting of the use of various parks to the organizations and for the purposes mentioned in the foregoing report be confirmed.

3rd September 1932 – Birmingham News

Kings Heath Bee Keepers
Branch’s Progress
Demonstration at Park

An interesting and educative afternoon was spent on Saturday at Kings Heath Park, where the Kings Heath and South Birmingham branch of the Warwickshire Bee-keepers’ Association held a demonstration with live bees, accompanied by a lecture by a leading expert.
The large audience that assembled under pleasant conditions suggested a growing interest in this fascinating, useful, and quite profitable pursuit.
Mr. George Handley, Kings Heath’s recognized authority on bee-keeping, presided, and in his opening remarks, stated that the Kings Heath branch, though only inaugurated 12 months ago, had made remarkable progress.  The object was to foster and develop agriculture and apart from securing the best results in the production of honey it also encouraged the study of nature.  Kings Heath was quite a good honey district.  He had taken as much as one hundred weight from a hive.
A number of hives had been brought together, including a couple of observating (sic) hives – one showing the up-to-date method, the other to indicate how bees build their nest of combs under natural conditions.
Over 50,000 Bees
The greatest interest was shown when the hives were opened and the combs containing thousands of bees were taken amongst the audience.  The queen was also shown. 
Mr. Handley, when manipulating, startled the audience somewhat as he walked amongst them with a handful of bees from which he shook a few into the hands of the boldest.  Upwards of 50,000 bees were taken out of the hives and handled with absolute immunity from stings.  It was a revelation to those interested in the ancient craft.
Mr. W. Herrod-Hempsall, F.E.S., (Technical Advisor on bee-keeping to the Ministry of Agriculture) gave a lecture on “How to begin bee-keeping production of honey for profit”.
It was announced that the Birmingham Education Committee were commencing a class at Kings Heath this autumn, on “Bee-keeping and Nature Study”.

2nd October 1932 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Sub-Committee Reports
The General Purposes Sub-Committee presented their report:-
Hockey in the Parks, 1932/33
Hockey pitches have been let to clubs for the 1932/33 season as follows:-
Park                               King’s Heath
Name of Club                Boxfoldia Ltd.
Secretary                      Miss G. Foyle, Boxfoldia Ltd., Ten Acres, Birmingham.
Rental                           £15
9186   Resolved:-  That the arrangements for the letting of hockey pitches in the parks for the season 1932-33 as detailed in the foregoing report, be confirmed.

8th October 1932 - Birmingham News

The Week’s News from the Districts
Moseley & Kings Heath

Kings Heath Park Bowlers – The members of the Kings Heath Park Bowling Club finished the season on Saturday with a successful tea and whist drive, held at the Kings Heath Park House.
After tea the trophies and prizes were distributed by the vice-president, Mr. F. Alcock.  The chief winners were:- (details then given).